
AFPC/NCEA Webinar - Taking it to the Next Level: Achieving Choral Excellence in Parishes and Schools

Scott and Suzanne Atwood discuss strategies for success in the areas of choral recruitment, repertoire, and rehearsal techniques.  The seminar will look at proven practices for attracting and retaining young singers, building a quality library, liturgical programming, team-building, choral best practices, and working with changing voices.

Presented by:

Suzanne Fleming-Atwood, Children's Choir Director, Christ Our King Catholic Church, MT. Pleasant, SC

AFPC/NCEA Webinar - Conducting Gregorian Chant: Beginning Techniques

Designed for teachers who are new to conducting chant (and even to singing it), this seminar will cover the basics of reading neumatic (square-note) notation, as well as, give an introduction to understanding the rhythm and phrasing of the chant according to the classical Solesmes method. Building on these basics, conductors will progress through a series of basic gestures and exercises, culminating in the conducting of a Kyrie by the end of the session.

AFPC/NCEA Webinar - Technology and Sacred Music

Technology has quickly made it into the hands of teachers and students around the world. But where does it fit into education and sacred music? In this webinar, Theresa Ducassoux will introduce participants to various tech tools that can be utilized in music education to build community, share exemplars, support music reading, and connect with students inside and outside of the classroom. Participants will learn how to use tools such as Flipgrid and Google Apps for Education to enhance their music teaching to best impact student learning.

AFPC/NCEA Webinar- A Year in the Life of a Catholic School Music Teacher: Resources and Repertoire for the School and the Liturgical Calendar

This webinar will outline a planning process for the School and Liturgical Year. Using the School Year as a guide, Ms. Fleming-Atwood will cover topics such as: repertoire selection for specific seasons of the Church Year, resources for Christmas and Pageant Passion Plays and inspiring traditions in the Catholic School and Parish. Grade level curriculum and lesson/rehearsal planning will be discussed.

AFPC/NCEA Webinar - Teaching and Conducting a Chant Mass

How can directors teach choirs to read and sing from chant notation with limited rehearsal time? Is it possible for someone who doesn't have much experience with chant to direct a choir to sing it with good phrasing and rhythm? This one-hour webinar with Dr. Jennifer Donelson will introduce directors to effective methods of preparing a choir to hear the music in their minds and sing the music from square notes, of singing chant with good vocal technique and an elegant sense of the line, and of employing artistic and expressive conducting.

AFPC/NCEA Webinar - Diocesan Choral Festivals Guidelines and Organization

Diocesan Choral Festivals build Catholic identity and performing excellence in an atmosphere of fun and worship for students in elementary, middle and high school. Listen to two national experts describe the organization, scheduling and planning of the day, performance standards, music selection, clinician's role and other related topics. Enjoy a short reading session of recommended opening and closing songs. Build camaraderie between schools and raise performance standards in your diocese.

40th International Congress of Pueri Cantores in Rome, Italy - Dec. 2015 - Jan. 2016

Thousands of travelers from all over the world gathered together in Rome to take part in a week of once-in-a-lifetime events for the 40th International Congress of Pueri Cantores.

Video includes highlights from:
-"Mass for the Solemnity of Mary" - Jan. 1, 2016 - Celebrated by the Holy Father, Pope Francis at St. Peter's Basilica
-Private Papal Audience for Pueri Cantores - Dec. 31, 2015 - Paul VI Audience Hall

AFPC-NCEA Webinar "Engage! High Energy Choral Rehearsal Strategies"

Students learn faster when multiple learning processes are engaged. Using the techniques discussed in this webinar, your students will have more fun than ever learning their choral music, through movement, dance, discussion, and more! Techniques appropriate to elementary, middle school, and high school choirs are discussed, in a learning atmosphere reflective of Catholic teaching and the "servant-leader" model. Hosted by the National Catholic Educational Association [NCEA], sponsored by American Federation Pueri Cantores [AFPC], and presented by Dr. Richard Robbins and Jennifer Robbins.
